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*Update on EIPCa Lawsuit*
Congratulations to all EIPCa volunteers who have supported the work of Election Integrity Project®California. Your hard work in helping to document the truth of how elections are managed and ballots processed in the state of California, and your faith in EIPCa to challenge unconstitutional election process has paid off!
Please see the Press Release that went out March 10, 2021 with our Amended Complaint about the Unconstitutional Election Process in CA.
EIPCa continues to need your support to see this lawsuit go to the Supreme Court, if necessity, to challenge the use of laws and procedures that usurp the will of the citizens in California, and any state in nation, by implementing laws, regulations, policies and procedures that remove the integrity of the electoral process.
New efforts have launched this year asking for donations to begin the work that EIPCa has been doing for 10 years. These fundraising efforts do nothing to support this lawsuit. If you would like to support this lawsuit, please consider donating to EIPCa.
EIPCa will also need your help as we work together with other organizations to oversee the upcoming Governor's race. More details on how we do this coming soon.
Every word of it decides a question between power and liberty. ~ James Madison
More Congressional Candidates Join Lawsuit to End California's Unconstitutional Election Process
- Suit Spearheaded by Non-Partisan Election Integrity Project®California Includes 13 Congressional Candidates -
Los Angeles, CA (March 4, 2021) - Primary Law Group, P.C. filed a First Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief in the U. S. District Court, Central District of California on behalf of Election Integrity Project®California with three additional Congressional candidates-Ronda Kennedy, Chris Bish, and Johnny Nalbandian-joining the ten candidates named in the original suit (Election Integrity Project®California, Inc., et al. v. Weber [formerly Padilla], et al., Central District of California Case No. 2:21-cv-32-AB-MAA).
As California gears up for elections in 2021 and 2022, including a possible recall election of Governor Newsom, the plaintiffs argue the need for faith in the election process has never been more paramount. "Fair, honest and transparent elections are the basis for our Constitutional republic," said Joshua Kroot, the plaintiff's lead counsel. "Without these elements, citizens lose faith in the process and stop voting, and then government no longer reflects the will of the people."
Unlike other recent election cases, the case challenges the election process for future elections. The complaint explains how decades of laws, regulations and election practices have undermined California election integrity, creating an environment ripe for irregularities and potential fraud. Plaintiffs challenge these unconstitutional laws and procedures and seek oversight of upcoming elections, and an audit of past results to determine if and to what extent fraud might have occurred.
The complaint also examines how California laws like ballot harvesting, and last-minute changes like privileging vote-by-mail voting over in-person voting, disadvantaged minority groups. Federal courts have previously ruled against similar practices which hurt minority groups in other states.
*About Election Integrity Project®California, Inc.*
Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. (EIPCa) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit public benefit corporation, tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), that works to ensure every lawfully cast vote is accurately counted. For 13 years, EIPCa has trained over 13,000 nonpartisan volunteer observers, while fielding only 5 complaints from election officials. EIPCa has researched CA county and state voter rolls and documented massive numbers of ineligible voters who nevertheless continue to receive vote-by-mail ballots, which will happen in the upcoming elections if action is not taken. As a nonpartisan organization, EIPCa does not participate in any political campaign, nor does it endorse any candidate for public office.
For more information, visit our website at https://www.eip-ca.com.
*About the Candidates*
Each of the candidates ran for U.S. Congress in November 2020, in California districts where substantial irregularities and apparent fraud were documented.
They are:
James P. Bradley, Aja Smith, Eric Early, Alison Hayden, Jeffrey Gorman, Mark Reed, Buzz Patterson, Mike Cargile, Kevin Cookingham, Greg Raths, Ronda Kennedy, Chris Bish, and Johnny Nalbandian.
*About Primary Law Group, P.C.*
Located in Los Angeles, the lawyers at Primary Law Group, P.C. (https://www.primarylawgroup.com) have represented many of the world's largest companies in some of the biggest cases, deals and restructurings in the country.
*Contribute to Election Integrity Project ® California(EIPCa)*
The Election Integrity Project® California (EIPCa) is a nonpartisan group of U.S. citizen volunteers seeking to fulfill our duty to actively participate in the governing of our state/country by helping to ensure the integrity of the voting process that protects our freedoms and way of life. EIPCa volunteers seek to protect our Republic, a government of, by, and for the people by maintaining an active role in that part of government which empowers citizens with our most fundamental right ~ the right to choose our representatives by fair and honest elections.
The goal of EIPCa is to enable citizens to become active participants in the entire election process, from overseeing the integrity of the voter rolls, to ensuring that each lawfully cast vote is counted and counted fairly, and that all processes are in compliance with federal, state and local laws, statutes and regulations.
All contributions go toward supporting the work and are very much appreciated.
EIPCa is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
To donate by check, please mail your contribution to our:
Election Integrity Project® California
Arizona Office
1042 Willow Creek Rd. Suite A101-479,
Prescott, Arizona 86301
Please make all checks payable to "Election Integrity Project® California" or to "EIPCa".
EIPCa is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Tax-exempt number: EIN #82-2326062