How to Scrutinize a Candidate   Part 2


By Janine Morgan

Here is the next set of questions to ponder.

▪ What am I looking for in a candidate?

▪ Do they talk with voters or at voters?

▪ Are they willing to answer questions or are they relying on you to look at their record?

▪ Do they make excuses for their behavior/actions or do they provide reasons?

▪ Do they have leadership experience?

▪ Who is or isn't endorsing this candidate?

▪ Am I evaluating the research and opinions of others in an unbiased manner?

▪ Are they receiving large donations that could "influence" their decisions?(For instance, utilities, real estate, investments, petroleum, etc.)

Special interests?
(Check their filings for lobbying activities.)

▪ Where are they on the integrity scale?

▪ What are the realistic chances of them being elected?

Now, honestly reflect on the answers.