
Conflict between those values considered traditionalist or conservative and those considered progressive or liberal has at times been labeled as "culture wars".

This usage originated in the 1920's when urban and rural American values realized a greater conflict.

Immigration, cultural shifts and modernizing trends of the "Roaring 20's" also contributed to the divide.

After 1928, the term, "culture wars" was only used on occasion, and only in American newspapers of the time.

However, in 1991, that all changed. A sociologist by the name of James Davison Hunter, from U of V, revived the wayward expression.

The focus from that time forward involves a number of contentious issues such as abortion, gun politics, theism vs. antitheism, natural-born rights protected by our Constitution vs. those that want to abolish the Constitution and our rights along with it, substance use-both legal and illegal, LGBTQ rights, abuse of power-specifically by law enforcement, and the list goes on.

At first, Christianity and Judaism were being blamed for widening the divide, but in light of the appearance of COVID, the majority of experts have determined that Republican Party politics were the culprits.

In conclusion, it was determined that the concept needs to be considered "polarized division" and not "culture wars" at all.