Once again Putin has managed to convince so many on both the left and the right that the victims are the ones to blame.
Does this sound familiar?

What was Hitler's propaganda during his reign of terror?
Are you one of the ones that said "we will never forget"?
But yet now Putin is using the same playbook as Hitler did during the holocaust. ...

We are talking about detoxing yourself of haters and negative people.
They can range anywhere from the clerk at a local grocery store to your husband, wife, children, siblings, or parents.
Stressful relationships can lead to anything from an unproductive life to major health issues, including cancer.
Remove these people from your life. Stop allowing...


Conflict between those values considered traditionalist or conservative and those considered progressive or liberal has at times been labeled as "culture wars".

population control:[noun]"a policy of attempting to limit the growth in numbers of a population, esp in poor or densely populated parts of the world, by programmes of contraception or sterilization"
Cultural definition:"In reaction to the prediction by Thomas Malthus that the world's population would soon outgrow its food supply, a movement began in...

"Abortion and the Death Penalty"
(So it's okay to murder babies, but not carry out death penalties?)In California, the voters approved the death penalty, but upon taking office, Gavin Newsom reversed the voter's wishes and banned death sentences.In contrast, Newsom has now proclaimed that if Roe v. Wade is overturned or if other states...

Liberty Blog
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