Lies, distraction, and just sheer numbers of people on the public dole have created an almost insurmountable scenario as to the death of this Nation.
The tragic thing is that it can happen to a mind... and as someone said, it is a terrible thing to waste.
The mind is the first thing to go in the condition of senility. ...

To begin with, there are rarely accountability standards for private schools, which opens the door to abuse, segregation, and a whole host of other concerns.

I like thinking about the word of God. Sometimes the strangest ideas pop up. For instance, the idea that a cow chewing on its cud is likened to man's behavior of meditating on God's word. After a cow has eaten its fill of grass or hay, some of the chewed grass is "burped" up to be chewed upon again when the cow is at rest. I know God loves cows. ...

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